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The Role of Pets in Real Estate

Casey O'Neal

Casey believes that educating a client and building trust is the best way to overcome fears and apprehension...

Casey believes that educating a client and building trust is the best way to overcome fears and apprehension...

Oct 24 3 minutes read

There are some interesting facts emerging from a recent poll conducted by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). They asked some questions concerning the role of pets in the decision to remodel, buy, or sell a home.

It might interest you to know that 81% of the respondents to NAR’s Animal House: Remodeling Impact Report said that the decision about where to live next was affected by pet considerations. That isn’t too surprising, considering the fact that as of 2016, 61% of households either have a pet, or are planning to get one in the near future.

Already, a good 12% of pet owners have said that they had recently moved because of their pets. 19% indicated that they would consider a future move in order to accommodate their pets. A whopping 99% of pet-owning respondents to the NAR survey said they consider their pet to be a part of the family. 89% said they would not give up their pets because of housing restrictions.

It’s just a plain fact that people love their pets. In fact, the realtors questioned in the NAR report said that one-third of their clients who own pets will often refuse to bid on a property because they think it would not be a good place to take their pets to live. A good half of the respondents said that they had done some sort of renovating work to accommodate their pets. Some had built fences, others had installed a pet-door, or installed special flooring.

One thing to consider, especially if you are considering selling your home, is that, while people love their pets, they don’t necessarily love your pet. 67% of realtors reported that pets have a “moderate to major” effect on selling homes. If you have a pet and are selling your house, be sure to repair any damages and eliminate any stains or odors left by your pets.

As far as realtors themselves are concerned, the NAR surveyed their own members. Of the realtors surveyed, 80% of the respondents consider themselves to be animal lovers, with 68% actually owning pets. 12% of the realtors presently volunteer for animal aid organizations, and 21% plan to volunteer in the near future.

These statistics should reassure you if you are planning to buy a home. Since most of the realtors consider themselves to be animal lovers, you can rely on them to make the extra effort required to find the right home for you and for your pets. If you call me, Casey O’Neal, I will aid you in your search for just the right place.